Tips on towing with an automatic vehicle

Towing a trailer or caravan with an automatic vehicle can be a convenient and hassle-free experience, as long as you take the necessary precautions and adjust your driving style. Here are some tips on towing with an automatic vehicle to ensure a safe and successful journey:

  1. It's important to know your vehicle's towing capacity before hitching up your trailer or caravan. This information can be found in your vehicle's owner manual or by contacting the manufacturer. It's essential to ensure that your vehicle is capable of towing the weight of your trailer or caravan.
  2. Make sue you load your trailer or caravan correctly. Distribute the weight evenly throughout your trailer or caravan and avoid overloading it. Overloading can cause your vehicle to become unstable and may affect your ability to control the vehicle.
  3. When towing with an automatic vehicle, it is essential to drive conservatively. Accelerate and brake gently, and avoid sudden stops or starts. This will help to prevent your vehicle from overheating.
  4. Towing can put additional stress on your vehicle's transmission and cooling system. Make sure to monitor your vehicle's temperature gauge and pull over if it starts to rise above the normal range.
  5. When towing, it's important to keep a larger following distance between yourself and the vehicle in front. The extra weight can increase your stopping distance so give yourself plenty of time to react to any changes in traffic.

Automatic vehicles have a lower towing capacity than manual vehicles, so it is important to plan your route carefully and factor in extra breaks for rest and recharging.