Britains Leading Towing Industry Training Organisation
Trailer Safety & Awareness
I was Most Impressed with the Course and a Special Thanks to Your Top Instructor Paul Harrison and All the Team at Towing Solutions Ltd.
John Burgess
Trailer Servicing
"The course was very helpful, professional and gave me confidence."
Terence McKenna, MST Ltd
Caravan Towing
"Had a great experience. The trainer Paul was excellent and took plenty of time to go through all the prep checks and answered my questions..."
James Broad
Trailer Test
"Like many others for several years I was unaware of the requirement or existence of the B+E trailer test. In fact I found out through my cousin who had also training with Towing Solutions. A phone call to Raessa at Towing Solutions provided me with all "
David Percy - Stockport
Trailer Servicing
"Many thanks for my course certificate and for the course I attended back in March.It was very helpful towards me going it on my own in the near future."
James Owen
Towbar Technician
"The 3 day tow bar technician course was interesting and enjoyable"
Joe Oxendale, Leada Engineering Ltd
Caravan Towing
"Ray and I found our course very informative whilst also allowing us to practice lots of different elements of towing safely."
Victoria & Ray Berringer
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